Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Organisms Abilities

What are the abilities organisms having?

How the organisms use energy?

    Organisms use energy. For organisms to respond to changes in their environment, they need energy. Energy is the ability to make things move or change. It takes energy for your dog to run and bark. It takes energy for you to carry out all the activities you do every day. In the presence of sunlight, plants produce food, which both plants and animals use for energy. Energy is then released from food in a process called respiration. 

How the organisms changing according to its environment?  

    Organisms adjust to changes in their environment. Think about driving a car. The driver constantly makes small adjustments with the gas pedal to keep the car on the road at a steady rate of speed. The body systems of an organism do something similar. Maintaining steady conditions no matter what is going on inside or outside the organism is called homeostasis. Controls in an organism work constantly to bring it back to "normal" after it has been stimulated.


How organisms reproduce?

   Organisms reproduce. Your dog came from a litter of puppies. You might have looked at its parents to see what it would be like when full grown. Organisms produce new individuals that are usually very like the parent organ-isms. Oak trees produce acorns that become oak trees. Blue jays lay eggs that develop into young blue jays.

How organisms grow, develop and adapt?

  Organism grow and develop. When a dog is born, it is very small. With care and feeding, it grows larger. Living things increase in size. They grow. All the changes organisms undergo as they grow are called development. Dogs can't see or walk when they are first born. But in eight or nine days, their eyes open, and their legs become strong enough to hold them up. A dog develops into an adult in about two years. 

   Organisms adapt. Any characteristic an organ-ism has that makes it better able to survive in its environment is an adaptation. Your dog's coat is an adaptation. In summer, the dog sheds hair and his body is cooled. Dogs also pant to release excess body heat. If dogs didn't have these adaptations they would suffer in the summer heat. Plants have adaptations too, such as flower color or hairs. Adaptations are inherited. They are not merely responses the organism makes to an immediate need. 


How organisms have life spans? 

Organisms have life spans. The length of time an organism is expected to live is its life span. For some, the life span is very short. Millions of mayflies live only one day, but some bristlecone pine trees have been alive more than 4500 years. Your life span is about 80 years. What is the life span of your dog? How are the needs of living things met during this life span? 


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